JOIN US in our fight for lawful public access!


Joining the Utah Stream Access Coalition (USAC) provides an opportunity to support efforts in maintaining public access to Utah's waterways and to actively participate in the preservation of these natural resources. Members can contribute through advocacy, volunteer activities, and community engagement, ensuring that Utah's streams and rivers remain accessible for recreation and enjoyment.


Becoming a Full Member of the Utah Stream Access Coalition (USAC) is easy and only takes two steps:

Step 1: Become a Subscriber
Just enter your name, email, and agree to our Mission below. You'll be added to our mailing list and receive updates on stream access news and events. You’ll then be directed to Step 2.

Step 2: Become a Full Member
Fill out the additional information on the next form and affirm your support for USAC’s legal efforts to protect stream access in Utah. That’s it—no dues, no tests—just your support.

If you’d like to get more involved, you can also indicate your interest in volunteering in Step 2. And if you're able, please consider making a donation to help fund our work!

Stay In Touch

Stay in touch with us on Instagram for up-to-date announcements, member-submitted photos, and the latest news from USAC!