The last stand…

We just wanted to remind you that the final hearing in the Public Waters case before the Utah Supreme Court will be next Wednesday, 6/14 at 0930. Details below. We hope to see you there.

In March, we received notice from the Utah Supreme Court that Judge Thomas, the appointed replacement for Justice Pearce, who had previously recused himself from the Weber and Provo cases, has also recused himself from both cases. Judge Christiansen of the Utah Court of Appeals has replaced Judge Thomas in both cases.

In the Weber case, neither the Court, nor any of the parties involved have requested additional arguments. In the Provo case, the Court has ordered supplemental briefing and additional oral arguments. Briefing is nearing completion, and oral arguments have been set for Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 9:30 AM at the Matheson Courthouse in SLC.

We had an outstanding turnout from USAC members and supporters in January, and we invite you to join us one last time before the High Court.

If you plan on attending, please dress appropriately and adhere to proper courtroom decorum: a crowd is best seen but not heard. This is not a rally, it is not the time for banners or signs, but for bodies en masse silently supporting stream access. Please plan to be seated before the court convenes at 0930. 

We very much hope to see you there, to show appreciation for our outstanding pro bono counsel and the tremendous amount of work they’ve done for all of us, and to witness Utah history being made. We anticipate a final ruling on both cases in late Summer/early Fall.


2017 USAC General Membership Meeting


Public’s Right to Access and Use - Utah Waters to be decided by Utah Supreme Court