What’s Happening with the Public Waters Case?

In case you missed our news update from earlier this year, we continue to await a decision from the Supreme Court in the Utah Stream Access Coalition v. VR (Victory Ranch) Acquisitions, LLC. We expect a decision in the next 3 months.

If we get a favorable decision, we will likely go back to the District Court for further proceedings on the Coalition’s claim that the Public Waters Access Act (PWAA) is unconstitutional. If the Supreme Court’s decision is unfavorable, this case will be over, and the PWAA will stand. Under the latter scenario, our only recourse will be to convince the Legislature to repeal or change the PWAA.

In the meantime, our rights to use Utah’s public waters will be limited to navigable waters, such as the upper Weber River, and waters on public lands. Based upon evidence it has already collected, assembled, and turned over to the State, the Coalition hopes to expand the list of Utah’s navigable waterways to eventually include another dozen or so of our larger rivers and streams where the evidence shows they were used for commercial purposes before Utah became a State.

Stay tuned for more information. Thank you, as always, for your continued support.


Board of Directors

Utah Stream Access Coalition




Utah Supreme Court Allows Public Waters Access Act to Stand


H.B. 208 Inches Closer to Enactment