Update on the weber appeal
Summer days are here, a time for exploring water within Utah and abroad, for enjoying plentiful hatches, and recharging the batteries. It's also time to prepare for the next year and legislative session - a year that we are hopeful will resolve Utah's stream access issues.
Weber Case Update
It's official - the Weber/Navigability case has been appealed by the landowner defendants to the Utah Supreme Court. We still don't have specific dates yet, but our rough timeline is as follows: br iefs completed by September-October 2015; oral arguments by April-May 2016; and decision by October-November 2016. It is our hope that the high court of the State will uphold Judge Kelly's decision, and open the door for similar rulings on other rivers in Utah.
For USAC's official interpretation of the Weber Ruling, please see our Fact Sheet.
In the meantime, USAC counsel is preparing for trial on the Provo/Right-to-Use case August 26-28, Sept 2-3.
Legislative Update
With two district court rulings in hand by the time the legislative session convenes in late January 2016, it is our hope that they will resolve the dispute, and define the easement, with fair and balanced legislation.
Summer is the ideal time to get in touch with your Representative and Senator, as their schedules are much lighter than during the session. Take 5 minutes, and get in touch with your legislators THIS WEEK.
Here's how to do it in 3 easy steps:
Look up your legislator here: http://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp
Find where your legislators stand in the USAC Voter's Guide.
Reach out and get in touch with them regardless of their position on access. This third step is the most important! If you need assistance, or would like us to join you in a meeting with your legislator, send us an email at info@utahstreamaccess.org. We cannot overemphasize how important constituent contact is! If you don't reach out, we can't talk for you!
Finally, please remember that the fight to restore access is supported by you. We are a 100% volunteer, grassroots organization, and therefore every penny goes towards fighting for stream access. If you believe in our cause, please consider making a donation, no matter how large or small.
Thank you for your support. Together, we WILL restore and protect access to, and lawful use of, Utah's rivers and streams.
Board of Directors
Utah Steam Access Coalition