2020 Virtual General Membership Meeting Details
The 2020 USAC General Membership meeting will be held virtually on Thursday, November 12th, at 7:00pm via Zoom videoconference and teleconference. We encourage all members in good standing to attend.
Join Zoom Meeting from your computer or smartphone (Recommended):
Join Zoom Meeting by teleconference:
Dial +1 346 248 7799
Enter Meeting ID: 895 8596 8925
Enter Passcode: 449500
In addition to updates from the Officers, we will be holding elections for the 2020 USAC Board of Directors. In accordance with the USAC bylaws, three current directors (Tara Olson, Bert Ley, and Sean Leonard) have been selected from the existing 2020 Board to continue serving on the 2021 Board. Below is the final list of approved nominees for the remaining four positions. To see statements from the candidates, click here.
Rachel Dees
Cullen Battle
Chris Holt
Ryan Caggiano
Ryan Houk
Elections will be held at the beginning of the meeting, and the results will be announced by the end of the meeting. We encourage you to attend virtually, listen to the nominees, and to submit your vote. We recommend you attend by videoconference, if possible, since the voting within the zoom platform and speaking capabilities are easier to manage. If you are unable to attend the meeting by videoconference or teleconference, you may cast your vote by proxy by contacting tara.olson@utahstreamaccess.org by end of day Wednesday, November 11th.
We thank you for your support, and we hope to see you virtually on Thursday, November 12th.
Thanks again for your continued support.
Board of Directors
Utah Stream Access Coalition
Utah Stream Access Ale Drops TODAY at Fisher Brewing!
Join us TONIGHT, October 20th, for a beer release from Fisher Brewing Company and an outdoor showing of Patagonia’s award winning film Public Trust. Fisher brewed us a Stream Access Ale hazy pale and will generously be donating $1 per beer and we will have great Patagonia samples for sale and a raffle! We will also have the beer label artist Wandering Blue Lines rolling ink live at the brewery! Party starts at 6pm, movie at 7:30pm! Please join us! More info HERE.