2 Days Left To Shop for the Holidays on USAC’s Auction Site!
There are 2 days left remaining to get your bids in on USAC’s auction site. Visit bit.ly/USACAuction to check out and start bidding on all the amazing items our sponsors have generously donated to support our cause.
New items have been added and you won’t want to miss this opportunity to support USAC and get a great deal on your favorite items. Give the gift of a fishing adventure, lessons for that special someone learning how to fish, new gear for fishing, skiing, snowboarding, climbing, and so much more.
⭐ Bidding ends this Saturday, Dec 19th at 6pm MST ⭐
The winners of the items can pick up at Fish Tech Outfitters in Salt Lake City beginning Monday, December 21st after 1pm.
For any questions, please e-mail tara.olson@utahstreamaccess.org. Follow us on our social media platforms to stay connected for the latest information on Facebook or Instagram.
Our organization is 100% grassroots, meaning we rely on donations from our members and supporters to keep our mission to fight for your rights to access and use Utah’s public waters. 100% of the donations USAC receives goes toward the cause. Thank you all for your continued support.
A very sincere thank you goes out to all our sponsors and partners who have made this fundraising effort possible. We are forever grateful to you and your dedication to the cause.
Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!
Board of Directors
Utah Stream Access Coalition
USAC Legal Update
A few members have brought it to our attention that while they support the cause of USAC, it would be nice to know what is going on with the Provo case. If you haven’t been there in a while, our website does have a “news” tab where we update the membership. All of USAC’s legal and financial resources have focused on developing historical reports to answer the “threshold issue” the Utah Supreme Court outlined in its decision to remand the case: whether “there is a basis in historical fact — in the understanding of public easements in the late 19th century — for the easement recognized in Conatser.”
The Public Waters Access Act of 2010 curtailed public access to about 2,700 miles of Utah’s fishable waters. Winning the Weber case was the first step, opening up a small part of this total to public recreational use. If USAC prevails in the Provo case the public stands to gain access to the rest of these 2,700 miles for lawful recreational use. The fight continues, as it must.
Admittedly, this has been a slow process (as are most court battles that involve well-funded opponents), but USAC’s counsel is moving forward towards trial, which has not been set at this time. We want our membership to know what is going on, but we have to be mindful that our opponents can also see our posts and newsletters, so we purposely keep them vague.
We understand that it feels like we are always asking for donations from our members, but please know, your lawyers at USAC have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in billable hours because the cause means that much to them. The USAC Board of Directors are unpaid volunteers and are “working” board members. Our main guy “on the hill” spends his evenings, weekends, and many working hours lobbying the Utah legislature for support of public access to our waters statewide. Money donated to USAC goes to cover the expenses that can’t be offset by volunteer hours. It pays for critically important things, such as court filing and transcription fees and historical research — all required to keep fighting the good fight.
Our commitment to you is that we will get better at transparency of our efforts, but if you are ever feeling like you need to know what is going on, please contact us and we will do our best to brief you. Thank you for your patience and support throughout this journey.
Utah Stream Access Ale Drops TODAY at Fisher Brewing!
Join us TONIGHT, October 20th, for a beer release from Fisher Brewing Company and an outdoor showing of Patagonia’s award winning film Public Trust. Fisher brewed us a Stream Access Ale hazy pale and will generously be donating $1 per beer and we will have great Patagonia samples for sale and a raffle! We will also have the beer label artist Wandering Blue Lines rolling ink live at the brewery! Party starts at 6pm, movie at 7:30pm! Please join us! More info HERE.